Part of the Journey

                                  Leadership Areas to Improve


      While working at the University of North Texas as an Assistant Catering

Coordinator I faced many challenges when dealing with students from other countries.

I learned that in certain countries the oldest member of the family is responsible for

taking care and making decisions for the younger family members and that the women

in certain countries are in charge. Plus, there is a lot of competition amongst people

from the same country. For instance, there is not much loyalty when someone gets in

their way when they are trying to move up the ladder, family member or friend of the

family. Therefore, I resolved this matter by assigning them to different areas although

they pleaded with me to let them work together. By doing this one thing; the younger

family members were happy and enjoyed collaborating with us daily. That is when I learned

as a leader to never take sides or play favoritism toward anyone and do your best to

make everyone feel comfortable and needed. Nonetheless, the things I hope to

accomplish during my EMMH (Executive Master of Management in Hospitality) journey 

include gaining more valuable knowledge on what it takes to be a true leader and not just a 

manager who goes through the motions and gets things done that a supervisor can basically 

do just by reading a piece of paper. 

     My aspirations include more of being a leader that my team looks forward to seeing

every day and one that they have no fear of approaching even with the smallest issues. 

I would like to have an impact on the development of the staff and help them attain the goals 

they are working toward. I would also like to build our team's character and dignity so that 

other employees will want to collaborate with us more. The reason I would like to accomplish 

these goals are that we are looked at as if we do not matter as a team, and we should be more 

recognized as the team that is the most important part of the event being successful. 

     Therefore, the 3 things I hope to accomplish during my EMMH journey, are (1) helping 

others be successful, (2) working with others on furthering their education so they can move 

up the ladder, (3) listening and learning more about how the company can make them feel 

more comfortable and happy about what they bring to the table. Leadership is a journey that 

I plan to put in the extra effort that is necessary to achieve all my goals and make

sure, I concentrate on doing my absolute best every day.


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